Who am I?

My name is Kev Piper, located in Bognor Regis - IO90PS. I was first licenced in 1979 as G8TGM and was active on 2M. In 1985 I passed the 12 wpm cw test and became G0CHE. As part on my interest in 2M E's propagation, I regularly monitored Band 1 TV channels around 50MHz and my interest in 6M began. Unfortunately I went qrt in 1987 just as 6M became available in the UK.

After a 15 year break I became qrv again in June 2002 and my radio adventure started on 6M. Since then I have been qrv on bands 40M to 70cm. In March 2005 I started on 4M.

My interest in radio and Amateur Radio began at the age of 13 using various radios including an ex-Army No.19 set which I modified and used to swl on 160M, 80M and 40M with simple long wire antenna. Later I built transistor superhet and double superhet receivers and listened to all Amateur bands up to and including 10M with simple long wire antennas.

Where am I?

My qth is located in the seaside resort of Bognor Regis in West Sussex (IO90PS). It is a literal stones throw from the English Channel (at high tide) ! My take-off to the south is excellent but other qtf's ..... hmmm!

Current operating conditions

My current radio:
Kenwood TS-890S accompanied with SDRPlay RSP1A sdr rx.

Antennas are:
Douband 6M/4M - 5/6 ele yagi (YU1CF PA50-50-70-11-6)
HF - Homebrew Cobweb (G3TXQ style) 10M to 20M
President Hymalaya 10M 1/2 wave vertical (works well on 15/12 also).

My shack

6M Countries Worked

1  1A  Smo Malta
2  3A  Monaco
3  3B8  Mauritius
4  3B9  Rodriguez Island
5  3C  Equitorial Guinea
6  3V  Tunisia
7  3X  Guinea
8  4L  Georgia
9  4O  Montenegro
10  4U  Itu Geneva
11  4X  Israel
12  5A  Libya
13  5B  Cyprus
14  5N  Nigeria
15  5T  Mauritania
16  5V  Togo
17  6W  Senegal
18  7Q  Malawi
19  7X  Algeria
20  8P  Barbados
21  8R  Guyana
22  9A  Croatia
23  9G  Ghana
24  9H  Malta
25  9J  Zambia
26  9K  Kuwait
27  9L  Sierra Leone
28  9Y  Trinidad And Tobago
29  A2  Botswana
30  A4  Oman
31  A6  United Arab Emirates
32  A7  Qatar
33  A9  Bahrain
34  BY  China
35  C3  Andorra
36  C5  Gambia
37  C6  Bahamas
38  CE  Chile
39  CN  Morocco
40  CO  Cuba
41  CT  Portugal
42  CT3  Madeira Is
43  CU  Azores
44  CX  Uraguay
45  CY0  Sable Is.
46  D2  Angola
47  D4  Cape Verde
48  DL  Germany
49  E4  Palestine
50  E7  Bosnia-hercegovina
51  EA  Spain
52  EA6  Balearic Is
53  EA8  Canary Is
54  EA9  Ceuta And Melilla
55  EI  Ireland
56  EK  Armenia
57  EL  Liberia
58  ER  Moldova
59  ES  Estonia
60  EU  Belarus
61  EX  Kyrgyzstan
62  EY  Tajikistan
63  F  France
64  FG  Guadeloupe
65  FJ  St. Barthelemy
66  FM  Martinique
67  FP  St. Pierre & Miquelon
68  FR  Reunion Is
69  FS  St. Martin
70  FY  French Guiana
71  G  England
72  GD  Isla Of Man
73  GI  Northern Ireland
74  GJ  Jersey
75  GM  Scotland
76  GU  Guernsey
77  GW  Wales
78  HA  Hungary
79  HB0  Liechtenstein
80  HB9  Switzerland
81  HC  Ecuador
82  HH  Haiti
83  HI  Dominican Rep
84  HK  Colombia
85  HL  Republic Of Korea
86  HV  Vatican
87  HZ  Saudi Arabia
88  I  Italy
89  IS0  Sardinia
90  J3  Greneda
91  J6  St. Lucia
92  J7  Dominica
93  J8  St. Vincent
94  JA  Japan
95  JW  Svalbard
96  JX  Jan Mayen
97  JY  Jordan
98  K  Usa
99  KP2  Virgin Is
100  KP4  Puerto Rico
101  LA  Norway
102  LU  Argentina
103  LX  Luxembourg
104  LY  Lithuania
105  LZ  Bulgaria
106  OA  Peru
107  OD  Lebanon
108  OE  Austria
109  OH  Finland
110  OH0  Aaland Is
111  OJ0  Market Reef
112  OK  Czech Republic
113  OM  Slovakia
114  ON  Belgium
115  OX  Greenland
116  OY  Faroe Is
117  OZ  Denmark
118  P4  Aruba
119  PA  Holland
120  PJ4  Bonaire
121  PJ6  Saba, St. Eustatius
122  PJ7  Sint Maarten
123  PY  Brazil
124  PZ  Surinam
125  S0  Western Sahara
126  S5  Slovenia
127  S9  Soa Tome & Principe
128  SM  Sweden
129  SP  Poland
130  ST  Sudan
131  SU  Egypt
132  SV  Greece
133  SV5  Dodecanese
134  SV9  Crete
135  T7  San Marino
136  TA  Turkey
137  TF  Iceland
138  TG  Guatemala
139  TJ  Cameroon
140  TK  Corsica
141  TN  Congo
142  TR  Gabon
143  TT  Chad
144  TU  Ivory Coast
145  TY  Benin
146  TZ  Mali
147  UA  European Russia
148  UA9  Asiatic Russia
149  UK  Uzbekistan
150  UN  Kazakhstan
151  UR  Ukraine
152  V2  Antigua
153  V3  Belize
154  V4  St. Kitts, Nevis
155  V5  Namibia
156  VE  Canada
157  VP2E  Anguilla
158  VP2V  Br Virgin Is
159  VP5  Turks And Caicos
160  VP8  Falkland Islands
161  VP9  Bermuda
162  VU  India
163  XE  Mexico
164  XT  Burkina Faso
165  YL  Latvia
166  YO  Romania
167  YS  El Salvador
168  YU  Yugoslavia
169  YV  Venezuela
170  Z2  Zimbabwe
171  Z3  North Macedonia
172  Z6  Republic Of Kosovo
173  ZA  Albania
174  ZB  Gibraltar
175  ZC  Cyprus Sba
176  ZD7  St. Helena
177  ZF  Cayman Islands
178  ZP  Paraguay
179  ZS  South Africa

Updated: 01/12/2023


4M Countries Worked

1  1A  Smo Malta
2  3A  Monaco
3  4O  Montenegro
4  4X  Isreal
5  5B  Cyprus
6  5T  Mauritania
7  9A  Croatia
8  9H  Malta
9  9K  Kuwait
10  A9  Bahrain
11  C3  Andorra
12  CT  Portugal
13  CT3  Madeira Is
14  CU  Azores
15  D4  Cape Verde
16  DL  Germany
17  E7  Bosnia Herzegovina
18  EA  Spain
19  EA6  Balearic Is
20  EA8  Canary Islands
21  EA9  Ceuta And Melilla
22  EI  Ireland
23  ER  Moldava
24  ES  Estonia
25  G  England
26  GD  Isle Of Man
27  GI  Northern Ireland
28  GJ  Jersey
29  GM  Scotland
30  GU  Guernsey
31  GW  Wales
32  HA  Hungary
33  HB  Switzerland
34  HV  Vatican
35  I  Italy
36  IS0  Sardinia
37  LA  Norway
38  LX  Luxembourg
39  LY  Lithuania
40  LZ  Bulgaria
41  OD  Lebannon
42  OH  Finland
43  OH0  Aaland Is.
44  OJ0  Market Reef
45  OK  Czech Republic
46  OM  Slovakia
47  ON  Belgium
48  OY  Faroe Is
49  OZ  Denmark
50  PA  Holland
51  S0  Western Sahara
52  S5  Slovenia
53  SM  Sweden
54  SP  Poland
55  SV  Greece
56  SV5  Dodecanese
57  SV9  Crete
58  T7  San Marino
59  TF  Iceland
60  UN  Kazakhstan
61  YL  Latvia
62  YO  Romania
63  YU  Serbia
64  Z3  North Macedonia
65  ZA  Albania
66  ZB  Gibraltar

Updated: 01/12/2023


70cm Countries Worked

1  DL  Germany
2  EA  Spain
3  EI  Ireland
4  F  France
5  G  England
6  GD  Isle Of Man
7  GI  Northern Ireland
8  GW  Wales
9  LA  Norway
10  ON  Belgium
11  OZ  Denmark
12  PA  Netherlands
13  SM  Sweden

Updated: 01/12/2023


Cobweb Antenna

Homebrew 5 band (20M >> 10M) Cobweb antenna G3TXQ style.